Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Great Harvest - The Freedom Franchise

As I was driving home from work today I was listening to NPR and there was a story on Great Harvest Bread Company. They were interviewing a man who owns a franchise, and he was talking about how much he likes the freedom that this franchise gives him. Freedom franchise means that they are pretty flexible with how the owners run their own stores. The only three things that are required by Great Harvest are:

1. The franchise has to display the Great Harvest logo
2. The franchise has to make the signature honey wheat bread
3. The franchise has to grind their own flour every day

That's it (well, I guess the franchises are encouraged to offer free samples)! Other then those three things, the owners are free to run their stores any way they want to and to make whatever kind of bread they want. It's suddenly making sense why I see Great Harvest at farmer's markets all of the time...

After hearing that story all I wanted was Great Harvest bread! I had flashbacks of high school when we would go down to Keva Juice and get smoothies and then go next door and get a free hugely thick slice of bread at Great Harvest, and we would put butter and honey on top of the bread. Smoothies and bread - you really can't ask for a better combination! Yum!


nathalia said...

That sounds soooo delicious! Yum!

Christa O'Brien said...

Oh my gosh! I was just talking to Tom about great Harvest Bread today! We don't have one here in Houma and we were going up to Lafayette with Tom for a little business trip this morning and I said we should stop at the Bread store there. But, we were running late and it didn't happen...Garbage! Now I doubly want yummy bread!

Sara said...

I totally remember this too (probably because it was one of us that drove over there!) That was a good, cheap lunch. Ahhh....smoothies...