Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I was tagged by MaryAnn. Here goes.

8 TV Shows I Love to Watch:
1. The Office
2. Jon & Kate Plus 8
3. What Not to Wear
4. 30 Rock
5. Ugly Betty
6. Midsomer Murders
7. The Inspector Lynley Mysteries
8. Everybody Loves Raymond

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. The Mandarin
2. Cafe Rio
3. Blue Iguana
4. Aristo's
5. PF Chang's
6. Valanni
7. Sawadee
8. 5 Guys Burgers & Fries :) (mmm, now I want that for dinner...)

8 Things That Happened Yesterday:
1. Watched TV
2. Walked down to Keswick Village
3. Went to a flower shop
4. Made chili and cornbread for dinner
5. Made chocolate chip cookies
6. Surfed the internet
7. Sat on the front steps with Nicole watching cars and trains pass by
8. Ironed some of Alex's shirts

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:
1. Nicole crawling/talking/walking
2. Christmas
3. Going to Utah in December
4. Getting a new dining table
5. Dressing Nicole up for Halloween
6. Getting Ugly Betty Season 2 from the library
7. My loans being paid off
8. Alex getting home from work

8 Things On My Wish List:
1. A dining table
2. A new wardrobe
3. New shoes
4. Nicole being good on our flight to and from Utah
5. A clean house all of the time
6. A leather armchair for the living room
7. To travel the world
8. A digital SLR camera

That's all! If you're reading this, consider yourself tagged!