Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Importance of Hobbies

I've been reflecting on what it is that I enjoy doing in my spare time, and I'm grateful to my husband who has encouraged me to find hobbies over the past 6 years.

Something I am passionate about is photography. I haven't pursued this hobby nearly as much as I'd like to think I have. I have everything I need to take beautiful pictures, but I just haven't had (or made) the time to do it.

I also love baking. There's just something about making a delicious, beautifully presented dessert that makes me happy inside. My most often baked good would have to be chocolate chip cookies. I thought I had the perfect recipe, but I still test out other recipes all of the time. I do have a tradition of making Alex a fancy cake on his birthday every year - there's just something about slaving away for hours on these cakes!

Another hobby I haven't pursued nearly as much as I'd like is reading. When I was young, I couldn't put books down. I'd read into the wee hours of the morning because I had to finish a book once I picked it up. I had a huge bookcase full of books, and my dad would take us to Barnes and Noble regularly and I'd get to pick out one or two books to buy. Since college, I haven't had that same drive to read. I'm still figuring out what types of books I like and what things interest me.

And lastly, I love to travel. I'm trying to figure out how I'll do it with a baby, but I have the travel bug and I don't think it will ever go away. I'm already thinking of where we can go on our next trip!

So, to those who are still reading, I'm asking for your comments. What things do you like to do in your spare time? Do you have any favorite recipes for me to try out? What books do you recommend that I read? Any places that you think I need to travel to? Any tips on how to travel with a baby?


Jenny P. said...

Oh to get me started on books to read... I could list a hundred.. but instead of getting in to them all here, go to goodreads.com. You can create an account and keep lists of books you've read, and books you want to read. You can also see the read, and to read lists of friends you find on goodreads... my user id is mommyj, and the one person that I have listed as a friend lindsay, has great taste in books too.

I love historical fiction... been reading a lot of WWII books lately... The Pianist, The Hiding Place (these two aren't fiction actually... biographical memoirs... but they read like a novel and quite literally tear your heart out), The Book Thief...

I also love Ayn Rand's Fountain Head, and James Michener's Hawaii.

When I'm wanting something lighter I can always turn to all of Jane Austin's novels - Pride and Prejudice is my favorite of hers.

The Secret Life of Bees is a great novel... I also enjoyed Joy Luck Club and Kitchen God's Wife by Amy Tann...

OH!! The Red Tent by Anita Diamant.. it's about Jacob's wives and his daughter Dinah. It's wonderful. As well as the series by Orson Scott Card... "Sarah", "Rebecca", and "Rachel and Leah". They all give a fictional, yet plausible representation of what life was like for these women as they lived as wives to tremendous prophets and men of God.

Okay. That's all I can think of now. But I can't guarantee I won't wake up in the middle of the night thinking of some book I've got to tell you about...

I'm a little crazy about my books...

As for my spare time... I obviously read a lot, but I also love quilting and working on picture albums for my kids. And I write... I'm almost always writing stories in my head. Sometimes they make it on to paper. But not always.

Christa O'Brien said...

Ah...spare time! I usually just use it to blog about life. What's that? I haven't blogged in months?!? (Kirk and Jackie have already chewed me out for not updating...)

Hmmm...hobbies...well I have been working out nearly every day since April 1st so I think that's become more of an addiction, but I also think it's a hobby because it's my time. I set my elliptical machine up in front of the computer and I watch something on the internet. Lately it has been old reruns of Beverly Hills 90210. I actually really look forward to it every day.

I also read alot. Mostly political books and business books that Tom brings home that I think are also useful in dealing with everyday situations.

Oh, and I would say thinking is one of my hobbies. I'm sure that sounds weird, but I really enjoy planning out new floor sets for TCP or how to make the business more efficient. Who knew? Gripping, I know!

My mom and her sisters got together at my uncle's funeral a while back and decided to gather all the old italian recipes that have been passed down and make little italian cook books. I have been trying to do some recipes from that. It's neat because they kept alot of the original spelling and I can just feel myself becoming a little more i-talian everyday!

Dennis Family said...

My favorite hobby is definitely travel!! And as far as doing it with a baby...you just do it!! If you sit home and worry about it you'll never go anywhere. Start them off young so they get use to it. Plan a day like you would just the two of you and act like that is the plan and then don't worry when it doesn't work out exactly like it use to. Truly, it's much more fun to travel with kids. They just get so excited about the simplest things!

nathalia said...

I'm reading the greatest book right now: Wild Swans -it's like a real life Joy Luck Club - three generations of Chinese women, grandmother, mother, and daughter. I've found non-fiction to be more interesting ever since graduating, too. Which is weird since I used to only read 1800s novels and Austen and such.

And I have a great Ginger Crinkle recipe for you to try! You could also try to become a Bread Master with all of your baking! If you ever need a sampler for your goods, you know where to find me!

As for travel - you guys seem like pros, so I'm sure it's in Nicole's blood. Where to go? Vermont. Thailand. The Deep South. Mauritius. Prince Edward Island is only like 16 hours drive away!

Sara said...

I really think hobbies as a young mom are super important. They give an opportunity to refocus your mind, to learn new things, and to have that break from mom mode.

I'd say most of my hobby time is centered around fitness (which I've been able to turn into an income as well!). But, I read a lot on fitness, I work out (which is a huge way for me to re-energize!), and I really like cooking healthy. My fav recipe book is called Eating for Life, and I also really like Deceptively Delicious (max has a few favorite meals in there!).

In addition to fitness stuff, I read pretty much anything. Business books, novels, church books, and parenting books. I usually have a few going at the same time.

We got a new camera a couple months ago, so I've picked up photography as a hobby too. I really like to digital scrapbook and to print photos with cool finishing effects in our home. We bought Adobe Photoshop Elements about two years ago from Costco, and I've really loved it. Although, I'm really hoping for one day to have a MAC to do it rather than a PC!!

Teri said...

I wish I had more of a love of reading so I can't contribute in that area but it looks like you have some great suggestions. I do have to say...travel now. While Nicole is still so small. Babies actually travel pretty well. I was always nervous for the plane and car rides but my kids always did awsome as babies. That is until they can get around by themselves. Then it's NO FUN. So travel now...she'll do great. She is so sweet and adorable...but I think I've said that a few times before :)

Debbie said...

a recipe blog you might like
check it out. Also you can post your own recipes. I can give you the password so you can do it.